So, I've finished exams for the year. :)
Does this mean I will be blogging a lot more?
This is what I'll be doing till November 30th:

It's NaNoWriMo! Where you write a 50,000 word story in a month! :D
As you can see from my word count, I'm halfway there!!
Except my story is a whole lot of crap thrown in with more crap.
It's like a
Glee fanfic, so it's about a new girl who goes to McKinley High and joins the Glee Club. And Mr Schue is in there, as well as Sam, who is one of the main characters in my story.
(For those of you who don't know, Sam is the blonde footballer in Glee, and Mr Schue is the teacher/director of the Glee Club.)
And yeah.
It kinda sucks. :/.
Even worse than my NaNoWriMo story last year, and that was basically just song lyrics!
I remember in last year's story, I had 10,000 more words to write and only one day left, so the characters just sang "100 bottles of beer on the wall" over and over again. Great fun. :P
(My characters liked singing, okay! Whatever.)
Anyhoo, TAYG is on Tuesday night and Modern Family is on Wednesday.
Oh, you guys, I watched Modern Family last night (Sunday) and Phil and Claire made a "competition" with their kids and them, as to who could last the longest without using any technology (i.e. laptops, mobile phones, interwebz, etc etc). And Phil promised that if any of the kids won, he'd buy them what they wanted. (e.g. he promised Hayley a car.)
And they were all going so well, but then Luke was desperate to watch a video clip on YouTube, so he was out. And then, Alex got a B on her Biology test because she used encyclopaedias which were old fashioned and not up-to-date. So she was out, cos she never wanted to get as low as a B ever again. (Nerd.)
Then, Claire was, like, trying to get airfares so the family could visit Phil's family in... somewhere. idk. But she couldn't do it on the landline, cos it was heaps confusing and annoying. So she got them on the interwebz. Oops. :P
Then it was Phil and Hayley. And it was SO FUNNY, cos Phil and Claire heard Hayley laughing and talking on her "mobile". So they stood outside her bedroom door and she was like, "Oh, hey, I'll just text you, k? IM you? Sure" etc etc and so, Phil and Claire burst in and were like, "BUSTED! YOU LOSE" and Hayley's like, "Whut" and Phil gets out a laptop cos he thought he won. So he goes online and stuff, and Hayley goes, "Are you online?" And Phil's like, "...Yeeeeah" and Hayley's like, "Hahahahahahahaha, I win, I win!" And Claire and Phil are like, "...You were talking on your mobile" and Hayley's like, "Um, it was just a bar of soap with lines drawn in it".
Hahahaha indeed.
So funny. And so, Hayley was like, "I get a car, I get a car! You promised to give me a car!"
And Phil was like, "Uhh, we can't afford to get you a car..."
And Hayley's like, "Whuuuuut. I've been talking to a bar of soap for NOTHING?"
And yeah.
Hayley was such a genius though, the bar of soap was such a clever idea. Hahaha. :P
(fyi~, if you didn't understand the above dialogue, Phil and Claire are the parents, Alex and Hayley are their daughters, and Luke is their son. Now read it again.)