Sunday, November 28, 2010


Remember when I used to write fanfics on this blog, which were just stories about me being bffs with Mitchell Johnson?
WELLLLL. Here is another one:

Me and Mitchell Johnson were walking down the street. It was a bright and lovely day, and the sun was shining.
"La la la," I sang, skipping along the footpath.
"Ho hum," Mitchie said.

Then, suddenly, Jonathon Trott appeared from behind a bush.
"MWAH HA HA~," he said, d'urggggingly, "YOU'LL NEVER GET ME OUT, JOHNSON."
I got angry. No, wait, I got FIERCE. Like a tiger. I whipped out an apple pie from my back pocket and held it in one hand.
"Shut up, Trott," I said, fierceeeely.
"NOOO," he d'urggged.
I was just about to throw the pie, when Mitchie yelled, "Laura, I'll throw it! I've been practising!"
So, I gave the pie to Mitchie. He hurled the pie at Trott in a perfect throwing action. It hit Trott's ugly brutish face and we heard Trott scream, "D'URGGGG!"

Me and Mitchie high-fived each other and laughed.
We ran away, still laughing, all the way back to the pie shop. Hahahaha.

(Note to reader: If you haven't been watching The Ashes, Mitchell Johnson has bowled a few balls that are so wide, that some people call it "pie throwing".)

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