Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Well, I watched Hamish and Andy Re-Gifted last night.
It was so cool!
I love the ghosting bit. And the doorknocking. And when Hamish and Andy got their mums to pick up some guys. That was hilarious.
I think I'll take up the sport "ghosting."
Good sport. Lots of exercise.
They should make it an Olympic sport. I'd win the gold medal. FOR SURE.

And Steph Rice will be like, "But I'm the sexy Australian athlete..." And I'll be like, "Not anymore. MWA HA HA."
And she won't be the sexy Australian athlete couple either. Because me and Dale Thomas will be that. Me and Dale can do TEAM GHOSTING. Omg, yay!


J said...

Some of my friends at school have been ghosting for ages ... it's SO funny :)

Laura said...

LOL, that would be awesome.
I'd ghost my principal. She's a nun. UN-SPARKEH.