Thursday, February 25, 2010


I know, this is scary, I managed to get ANOTHER award. See, kiddies, you can still win awards even if you don't have a life. ;).
This time, I got an award from Penguins Quack. You should all check out her blog and follow her; she writes some really interesting stuff. :D.

This award means I pass it on to five other bloggers and answer these questions with one word answers. Here are my answers for the questions:

Your cell phone: Old. (As in from the 19th century. But it has Snake! Snake is win).
Your hair: Straight.
Your mother: SAYHITOYOURMUMFORME. /rove.
Your father: Over there. (Wooo~, two words > one word. Suck it).
Your favorite food: Chocolate.
Your dream last night: Non-existant.
Your favorite drink: Coke.
Your dream goal: Millionaire. :D.
What room are you in: Room 101. (Ew, rat poo! Ugh).
Your hobby: Interwebz.
Your fear: Heights.
Where do you see yourself in six years: Hobo.
Where were you last night: Home.
Something you aren't: Blonde.
Muffins: Choc-chip!
Wish list item: Ice-cream.
Where did you grow up: Melbourne.
Last thing you did: Eat.
What are you wearing: Clothes.
Your TV: Bff.
Your pets: Non-existant.
Your friends: Awesomeness. ^_____^
Your life: Great? idk.
Your mood: Nervous (for my uni course, okay!).
Missing someone: Yes. idk.
Vehicle: Beetle. (as in the volkswagon beetle, not the... oh god).
Something you aren't wearing: Pants. (Hell yeah! lol).
Your favorite store: Borders. (CDs and books = awesome).
Your favorite color: Purple.
When was the last time you laughed: Today. (idk).
Last time you cried: Tomorrow!
Your best friend: Mitchie. ;). (We still go around throwing pies at people, om nom nom).
One place you go to over and over: Bed. Shower. Kitchen. ...YOUR MUM! (Yeah, I couldn't choose so I named more than one).
Facebook: Groups! lol.
Favorite place to eat: Maccas! :P.

And the five bloggers I'm giving this award to: Steph, Aidan, Random Rawr, Little Miss Scatterbrain anddddd... I can't choose a fifth one.

I would like to give it to Lucy but I know that she's already got this award.
(Btw~, if any of the blogs I mentioned above already have this award, it's okay. You don't have to accept it again, lol).

Umm.. I'm stuck for options. Most of the blogs I follow are either famous-y people or they don't blog much. I'll just make the fifth blogger go to: ANYONE WHO READS THIS BLOG POST.
(lol, creepy stalkers all around the world are just like, "YES, WE WON AN AWARD!" haha).

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