So, I watched So You Think You Can Dance Australia (aka SYTYCDA) last night.
The first performance of the night was... crap. I'm sorry, it was the all-girls routine so it should've been good.
But it wasn't. It had a sort of burlesque-y, sexy vibe to it. Which I did not like. If I wanted to see girls with not many clothes on, I would've gone to a strip club. :/.
Now, shall I just comment on random performances? (Like, I can't remember the order of the performances so whatev).
ISSY and ROBBIE's routine: It was good. It wasn't bad, just good. But I didn't like how when they finished, Issy was crying. STOP CRYING. I don't care. You'll wash your fans away with a flood. And then, when Robbie was talking, he sounded like he was holding back tears. Fail. Just because you are the youngest in the competition (they were only 18) doesn't mean you get special consideration. Pull yourselves together.
The Twilight routine: They did a routine, based on Twilight. Umm, what is the world coming to? Couldn't they have just said "vampire routine"? :/. The two rangas were in this routine (who were awesome) and Nick (who is also awesome) and some other dude. But seriously, Twilight? With a Muse song? What is this, did SMeyer ring up SYTYCDA and force them to do a Twilight routine?
Anyway, Matt Lee admitted he "liked vampires". Umm, that better be referring to Dracula. And Nat Bass goes to Bonnie, "Team Jacob or Team Edward?" And luckily for Bonnie, she didn't say either of them. Otherwise I would've sharpened my knives.
The choosing of the partners for next week: They were all like, "YAYY!" when they found out their partner. Surely, one of them is a bitch that no one wants to dance with. I just wanted someone to say out loud, "AW, I DON'T WANNA BE WITH THEM." It'd make it more interesting. The ads would be like, "These two people hate each other. What will they do when they dance together? DUN DUN DUN!"
Oh, wow, I started suggesting ideas for TV shows.
GAZ and DOUG's routine: Umm, what the hell? Basically, it was just a choreographed, rehearsed fight. I half-expected Gaz to get a chair and slam it on Don's back. (Or, at least, for Rove to come along and smash a chair on both of them. Win).
And the judges said it was humourous. Um, humorous? I'm pretty sure it was just a normal day in karate. Except for they didn't touch other. Fail. I would've liked to have seen Don rushed off in an ambulance but oh well. I suppose that will happen next week.
MIKHAELA, CARLY and RENEE's routine: Well, Mikhaela was good. Can't say much for the other two. But I have to admit: I enjoyed this routine. Good song choice (Tik Tok by Ke$ha) and good choice in clothes. ;).
The choreography just looked like they were three girls dancing at a nightclub except in sync. Well, I suppose that's what it was meant to look like. Which is a fail on the choreographer's part.
The fact that there was no BJ: Remember BJ from last year? Remember?
The awesomeness of BJ wearing red pants. Omg. There was no BJ look-a-likes this year, no contestants who had the awesomeness of BJ, nothing. FAIL. What were the judges looking for in the auditions? A boring bunch of people? Well, they achieved their goal.
Nat Bass, who kept saying "hot": The word of the day must have been "hot". I kid you not. After every performance, Nat Bass would go, "THAT WAS HOT." Or in Nat Bass' voice, "THAT WAS HAWWWWWWT". Either the weather was 40 degrees in Sydney yesterday or Nat Bass forgot her lines and could only remember one word. :/.
And yeah. That's all for now.
EDIT: I did think it was clever that Will and Grace were partners, omg. Hehe, I bet that was Matt Lee's suggestion. He's a funny one. :P.