Available or single?
Uh, both? Aren't they the same thing? Whut?
Best Friend?
The computer. We spend so much time together, it would be mean if I didn't mention it.
Cake or Pie?
Pie. As in "Dale Thomas" or "Let's all eat some pie".
Drink of choice?
Umm.. Coke. As in the soft drink, not the drug.
Essential item for every day use?
Twitter. Twitter. Twitter. Big surprise, I know. No one would have predicted that I likes Twitter. :)
Favorite color?
Purple. Or pink. I don't mind. :D
Mm, yes, Google and me are BFFs. We have sleepovers every day and paint each other's nails. LOL.
Blogging. Cake. Dale Thomas. Eating. Twittering. TAYG. Rove (the show, not the guy).
January or February?
January. It's still holidays in January, yay! ^__^
Kids and their names?
Hayden, Jayden and Aidan. They all rhyme, lol.
Life is incomplete without...?
Marriage date?
Yesterday. We secretly went to Broome and totally got married and the paparazzi were all like, "O____O!" So yeah. Me and Dale Thomas are married. Suck it.
Number of siblings?
Two. :/
Oranges or apples?
Oranges. More juicier. And yummier.
Phobias and fears?
Heights, spiders, scary murderers (nice, friendly ones are okay), Barry Hall, Eminem, and plenty more.
Quote for the day?
"This is my knife. It is very sharp and very eager to hurt you." -Lemony Snicket
Reason to smile?
Because I'm awesome. Totally.
Autumn. Because my birthday is in March. And my birthday is special. :)
Tag 3 people?
I tag you. ALL OF YOU. Go and be tagged.
Unknown fact about me?
I had swine flu. This is what I ate:

Vegetable you hate?
Um, not many. I hate chilies. :/
Worst habit?
I constantly make bad jokes.
Xrays you've had?
None. idk.
Your fave food?
Zodiac sign?
Pisces. I'm related to Nemo. We hang out under the sea in a shipwrecked boat.