Tuesday, September 22, 2009


That's what Carrie did on Rove. She threw the M&M's everywhere~! And I lol'd. :D
If I were on Rove, I would throw the M&M's everywhere too. And everyone would be like, "?" and I'd be like, "Five second rule~!" and crawl around on the floor eating M&M's.

Also, in the "What Have We Learned..." segment last Sunday, Hughesy goes, "I've learned that my chewing gum is still here from last July... -eats chewing gum-"
And Carrie goes, "I've learned that even though I left a month ago, I still watch Rove. -dramatic pause- I found a nice place in the bushes outside his bathroom window."
LOLLL. #carrieisawesome.


sam_daisy said...

yummy, well not off the floor but haha.
ROFL that is funny

Laura said...

I'd eat M&M's off the floor. I'm a pig though. So.. yeah.