I watched Rove yesterday.
It was exciting.
- Natalie Imbruglia, supporting a cause of hard-to-pronounce surnames. I forgot the acronym but she was very funny."It's Natalie Bassingthwaite, not Natalie Bathing suit!"
- Kristy Warner: "Australia, our koalas get Chlamydia!" LOLLL.
- Quentin Tarantino's interview. It was very funny and stuff but they kept showing bits of the film, Inglorious Bastards, and it seemed like a scary film with all the guns and fighting and what not. I don't wanna see Brad Pitt fighting. Note to self: do not see this movie.
- Kristy Warner was reading the news and she was going so well, like she hadn't burst out laughing at the funniness like Myf does. And then, at the very end, Kristy let out a giggle. FAILLL, KRISTY WARNER, EPIC FAILLLL.
- Newton, singing his new song or whatever. Speaking of Newton, did you know that Newton (the guy who sat under the apple tree and an apple fell on his head) did not like women? Well, he didn't. ~THE MORE YOU KNOW~!
- Kate Miller-Heidke who will be performing next week. Yay. Epic win.
- And also, Hamish and Andy (and Haydo who didn't even tell me that he was also going to America) will be finishing their Caravan of Courage next week so Rove will be crossing live to them. :)
Collingwood lost yesterday but I'm sure you all know that unless you are living in a hole. :/
We will have to play St Kilda which won't be too bad if we beat the Saints, and Geelong lose, and Brisbane win. Which won't be too hard because Collingwood > Saints, Bulldogs/Brisbane can beat Geelong (they've done it once) and Brisbane will, of course, beat Carlton because a) it's at the Gabba and b) Carlton suck and don't deserve a place in the finals (DIEEE, CHRIS JUDD, GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF DANE SWAN'S BROWNLOW MEDAL!).
Okay, well, it's not Juddy who is the favourite to win the Brownlow Medal; I think it's Gary Ablett. But whatever. They both can go die. (Or just fall off a cliff, idc).
Whoa, that's a long post. I suggest that you don't bother reading this. Do something useful with your time like baking a cake for me or giving me one million dollars.