Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yeah, I have just come back from Texas. (Actually I haven't...)

I watched Jamie At Home yesterday and I'm like, "Why did I do that?" Because Jamie is boring. No offence. But I do like his English accent and also I like the way he pronounces some words.
Take 'yoghurt' for example. We say, "YO-gurt" but Jamie says, "YOG-gurt." It's funny. I burst out laughing when he said, "YOG-gurt." =]

Good times. Hehe.

Anyway, I downloaded I Don't Think So by Kelis. It is the song on the Big Brother ad. It is so fawesome. And I downloaded 4 Minutes To Save The World. By Madonna. Lol.

And I went to community service today. I only have ONE more community service day left. Only one. Scary... =|
Today, we had to walk old people. Me and another girl walked two old ladies. I was pushing a wheelchair with one of the old people in there. And it was hard to control. Anyway, I accidentally knocked the wheelchair into the other old lady walking in front of me. And she was really pissed off. And she kept turning around and saying, "Don't ram into me again..."
And the other girl with me... She just kept laughing at me. Stupid cow. =|

Anyhoo, I'll stop moaning. Community Service is alright but I hate the walk from the station to the nursing home. So long and tiring. =|

Um, yeah. The Simpsons is on tonight. Yay! *dances*
And Before The Game is on tomorrow night!!! Hopefully Strauchanie is on. I love him. But not in a frothy coffee way. Eww. =]

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