Monday, April 28, 2008


Everyone, sit back and relax and read my lovely rant on Big Brother.

Okay. I sit down on the couch at 7:00 pm on Monday night. What's on TV? Only one way to find out. Turn on the TV. I turned it on to Channel 10 and what the hell, Kyle and Jackie O are on. (Kyle actually cracks some pretty good jokes, throughout the show).

Anyway, they show us the first housemate. Terri. Pauline Hanson. Whatever you want to call her. I don't like her. I don't even know why I'm watching Big Brother. Am I so bored with my life? Do I even have a life?

A few housemates later, they introduce a clone of all the other Big Brother housemates in the past. A blonde chick. There'll probably be a whole lot of them this year - That's another reason not to watch Big Brother.

Then they introduce a chick called Renee. She says that she doesn't like princessy type girls. i.e. Blonde morons. I like her. She's cool. She comes onto the stage with her blanket to talk to Kyle and Jackie O. Finally, one girl is wearing clothes that ISN'T a low-cut top. Her blanket has frogs on it. I love it. Her top is pretty rad. Nice.

Then they introduce a guy called Travis. I like him. He'll annoy all the blonde morons with his high pitched voice. Oh, that would be fun.

And then they introduce a vertically challenged girl. Like me. She is pretty cool. Reminds me of that chick on the Amazing Race. The short one on the All Stars. She comes out on stage and is basically eye level with Kyle's butt. Poor girl. She looks about 5 years old with all the adults sround. She's so adorabubble. Jackie asks her how tall she is. She is 1 metre tall. I want to hug her. She's like a small kid who was forced to go on Big Brother.

And yeah. So that is my rant of Big Brother. Not really a rant. But I didn't even mention the other boring housemates. They were too boring. I'll mention the brickie though. He has bricks in his head. =]

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