Saturday, April 12, 2008


This is hilarious. You have to read it. Click on the link. =]

Okay, you may be thinking, "Who is this Jack Heath dude?" He is an author. But don't worry about him. It is the artist that did something amusing. Jack is only blogging about it.

And yeah. SYTYCD is on tonight. If Graeme leaves.. I'll kill someone. Because he can't leave. He's my favourite. *sniff*


limeywesty said...

trust Jack Heath to find out something like that...
and now we all know :)

Anonymous said...

I get the statement he's making, but I don't think that tying up a dog for three hours and having people stare at it is humane, either.

And what about the people who didn't know the truth and were upset and disturbed by this?
It seems a bit hypocritical to promote animal rights by exploiting human rights.

Laura said...

But it is a good way to promote animal rights. By showing people that they will look at a dog getting starved but not help it.

Anonymous said...

But it promotes the violation of HUMAN rights at the same time.
Surely there are better ways to go about this.

Laura said...

Yes but the artist secretly fed the dog and exercised him. And the dog never died, he freed the dog.

Anonymous said...

But people thought that the dog wasn't being fed.
Whether or not the dog was treated well has nothing to do with the human rights issue of this.

Laura said...

Well, no animals were harmed so everything is good.

Laura said...

Humans are lame.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Oh wait.. I am a human.. Oops.

limeywesty said...

humans are futile

Laura said...

Yeah. They sure are.