Friday, June 18, 2010


Here are the answers to my true or false statements. I sort of cheated a bit and had a few lies, and a few truths, which wasn't what the instructions said. :/.

1. In year 10, I was innocently getting my lunch out of my locker, and out of nowhere, a mandarin hit me in the face.
Okay, this is true. I was at my locker getting my lunch and talking to a friend, and didn't notice the mandarin until it hit me. And then, it just fell on the floor (the mandarin, not me) and was all squished. And I'm like, "Ewww!" Weird, I know.

2. In primary school, this fat kid fell on me and I broke my arm.
Omg, I just threw this one in because it's funny. But it didn't happen to me, lol. :P.

3. This one time, at band camp, I pushed my sister in a lake.
If any of you thought this one was true, I should tell you a bit about me: I am not musically talented AT ALL (well, except for playing the triangle but I've been having lessons for years) and I do not have a sister.
So, basically, it's not even HALF true.

4. When I was about 11 or something, I walked into a door handle thingy, and got a cut above my eyebrow.
This actually is true. I got stitches above my eyebrow and it hurt a lot. :(.

5. In my lovely collection of cats which I constantly throw at people and act all crazy, there's one named Jimmy Bartel.
Well, this one is half true. In the present time (i.e. right now), I don't have a cat/s at all. But in the future (when I'm living in a caravan with seven cats), this will be true. So yeah.

6. When I was 8, I bumped into a wall and knocked out all my teeth, and THAT'S how I became a Collingwood supporter.
Pffft, this didn't actually happen. I just find it amusing. I didn't become a Collingwood supporter because I have no teeth. I have teeth, despite my love for lollies and chocolate and soft drink.

7. In year 8, I ate a plate of snails.
True, we went on a cruise to New Caledonia or something, and they served up snails for dinner one night. Yum.

And yeah.
That was fun to do, lol.


lucy said...

OOh, stitches- I feel for you. THEY HURT!

Laura said...

lol, yeah. Stitches = bad. :(.