Friday, April 29, 2011


I feel like stealing these questions from Penguins Quack, who got them from someone else... and whatever. There are so many questions though, but I shall do my best. :)

What kinda music do you like? Why? Did you ever like any other sort? What do you think of the indie scene? What about the mainstream stuff? Is there any music you hate? What do you think of people who get off knowing about obscure bands?
  • I like any music, really. I mainly listen to the radio, and pretty much like a lot of music going around, without even knowing the name. Today, on the bus, we were all singing along to Run To Paradise by The Choir Boys. Whut. Oh, I really hate that Happiness song by Alexis Jordan. It's so annoying and gets stuck in my head. :(
Do you watch TV? What about reading? Or do you play video games? Is the modern version of reading a novel playing video games? Or is the modern version of reading a novel reading a modern novel? Do you think people do it for the escapist element? Do you? Are you comfortable with that?
  • I watch so much TV. I'm (a little) obsessed with Glee, and Sammy Evans is clearly the hottest thing that walked this planet. The Simpsons, Futurama, and TAYG are also epic shows, yeah. At the moment, I'm reading Fix by Leslie Margolis, because it's a good book and I reckon Ryan Murphy stole the Lucy Fabray storyline from it. :P
  • Video games? Not really. I got the Simpsons Game for my birthday a few years ago and haven't really played it since. Oops. Anyway, I'm not really into video games, mainly because I suck. To me, reading requires less skill and brainpower. It's like, rest and enjoy story, what is stuff.
Do you know your family history? Are you proud of it? Do you care at all?
  • Not really. I don't know. I care about it though, because it's cool to know what your ancestors did in their spare time and what they achieved and shit.
Do you have a life story? Or do you think events are just happening and they aren’t connected?
  • My life story would be so boring, nothing much has happened. I'm sure I was a boring baby and toddler, then a nerdy boring kid at school, then even more boring at uni... :/.
Do you believe in a god or the supernatural? Do you believe what you’d like to be true or what you think is true? If you do, why doesn’t everyone know?
  • I believe in God, because I like the idea, that there's someone looking out for us. There's also a ghost in my wardrobe, he scares me. Plus a bogeyman under my bed, he's a cool guy but we don't talk much. I don't know about that 2nd question but I like to play the "Real Or Not Real" game. Me and Peeta eat cookies and play it frequen--- OH, DID I MENTION I LIKE HUNGER GAMES?
Where’s the best place to have a date? Is a movie really a good place take a girl? Is it slutty for the girl to be the pursuer in the relationship. That is, the girl is the one who gets the guys phone number, asks him out etc..
  • Well, dinner is good for a first date, if the girl and boy don't really know each other. Actually, dinner would be good for any date, everyone loves food. :P. A movie could be risky, so it depends on the boy and girl's tastes- some boys have different tastes to girls, yeah? I think the girl or the boy could be the pursuer of the relationship, doesn't really matter.
A guy and a girl are on a date. The night went rather well but after they leave MCDONALD'S and walk down a dark alley BECAUSE THEY SAW A SHINY THING DOWN THERE, they get held up by a guy demanding their money. What should the guy in the date do? Hand over his money or fight the other guy? What if the mugger had a knife? Or a gun?
  • I could just regurgitate what Penguins wrote, but that would be plagiarism. But I feel the same way. I mean, if I was on a date with a guy, I wouldn't be impressed if he physically fought some mugger with a knife. I'd be worried for him, and for me (in case the knife slipped out of the mugger's hand and came for me and attacked--- SHUT UP, I HAVE A VIVID IMAGINATION, OKAY). And yeah. The guy should just give his money or whatever is easiest and less dangerous. Then, we'd run somewhere safe and call the police.
When someone asks you how you are, what do you think of? What, to you, defines whether your life is going well or not? Having a boyfriend, good grades, good food, …?
  • Usually when someone asks "How are you?", I say "Good" because my manners suck. To define whether my life is going well or not, I think of good grades (neeeeeeerd!) and social life (non-existant). I don't know, I guess people (family, friends, relationships) come in there too, whether I am liked or not. Like, if people hate me and I have sucky relationships, then my life wouldn't be going too well, right? Whatever.
How do you define yourself? Is it your taste in music? Is it who your friends are, what you own, what your job is, what you study, …? Is it possible to not like who you are? Do you like who you are? If you don’t, would you do anything to change it?
  • I don't know how to define myself, I don't even know who I am. I like science, eating food, chocolate, TV, listening to music, reading, Collingwood, etc etc.
  • I like who I am, but I think it is possible to not like who you are. I don't know, but there is cosmetic surgery on the market, drugs, and other things that could change someone's life, change someone's perceptions and ways.
Huh. Those questions were so deep and meaningful, so philosophical, that I feel like watching something really crap, something so pointless, that I could be braindead and still know what's going on. HEY, ROYAL WEDDING, I'M A-COMING. :P


Anonymous said...

cool story bro

Laura said...

It is cool!
Thanks for commenting, Anonymous!