Friday, May 20, 2011

Tomorrow is May 21st 2011

What's with the random picture and this random blag post?

WELL. Apparently, according to some crazy people, the Rapture is tomorrow. Yes, we are all going to die, blah blah blah. Everyone is either PARTYING PARTYING PARTYING YEAH or at church asking for forgiveness right now.

(Or, if you're like me, you are sitting at home, trying to figure out how benzal-acetone turns into di-benzal-acetone. And I did. Basically, there's a lot of re-arranging and protons going everywhere but I DID IT. It's probably wrong, though, but oh well.)

Anyway, I don't know why I chose to put that picture at the top, but this blag post has a purpose. Unlike all my other blag posts.

Basically, tomorrow will be a long and tiring day, with some people being sucked upwards, and the rest of us stuck down here, like chewing gum on a carpet.

And I just want to say: Good luck to all you wonderful followers! If I were a god, selecting my army of people that I want to save, I'd choose you. Not just because you consistently view my blag, coming here religiously, reading my stupid rants about stupid TV shows, putting up with my creys over Alex and Sam and other unimportant things.
It's because I like you guys, you're always nice to me, even when I do rant and cry too much about Alex and Sam and other unimportant things.

So, thank you. It's been a pleasure having you all reading my rants, where I cry over unimportant things like Alex and Sam. :)

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