Monday, June 20, 2011


Finished all my exams.
Now to sit back and do nothing till next semester. :P

Anyway, on to some more serious news:

Buddy Franklin only gets suspended for a week.
I'd prefer if he didn't get suspended AT ALL. Because then, he'd be playing against Essendon, and he (and his stupid dirty teammates) would go all dirty on Bombers, fightin' and all that.
But now with this one week suspension, he will definitely play against Collingwood. Unless I can somehow push him off a cliff, hahaha.

The members of the Glee Club will graduate at the end of Season 3.
22 episodes left of this current cast before they all leave. ;_;
Can't they be sophomores forever?
Why do they need to graduate?
Why do they need to grow up?
Apparently, all the actors on Glee are 26 or 27 years old in real life. And the characters are all around 16 or 17 and in school. Big age difference.
I will miss the current cast.
Even if they get more actors once the current ones leave, it won't be the same. I, and all the other Glee fans, have got attached to this cast, this quirky bunch of characters.
It will be sad, to watch their graduation. :(

Last bit of serious news:
No idea why it is a public holiday for this momentous occasion. The queen gets one, why can't Daisy?
Whatev. Let's call it "Dale Thomas Appreciation Day".
Everyone gets cake.