Tuesday, January 6, 2009


"Kylee and I are holidaying in Bali," Dale's blog told me.
Ah, stfu.
Who'd want to go on a holiday with her? EWWW.

Anyway, I know what topic I'm doing for the Oral Presentation in English.
I know school doesn't start till the end of the month but still.
I'm doing Plastic Bags vs. Green Environmentally-Friendly Bags.
And I can be all like, "HOBOS HAVE LUGGAGE TOO, Y'KNOW!!!11!"
LOL, I got that one from Hughesy. lmfao.

My friend told me that she was looking at dips and she saw a dip that said, "Black Swan." So she was like, "That must be Jacob and Bella's child."
And then, I lol'd for, like, ten minutes or something. ^_^

I hope Australia win the cricket.
Mitchell Johnson will take 9 wickets. Because he is cool.
And he is mah bffl in the fanfics.
Oh and I was watching the cricket and the cameras were showing a girl in the audience. And the commentators (Tubby, lolol) were like, "That's Mitchell Johnson's girlfriend."
;_; So, does that mean Dale Thomas AND Mitchell Johnson are unavailable?
Well, I've always got mah Nathan Hauritz. D:

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