Wednesday, February 22, 2012

GODDESS review

My mum got free tickets to see Goddess, a movie coming out in cinemas later this year.

It was really good.
Firstly, it stars the extremely hunky Ronan Keating (who is shirtless at some points, and at one stage we got to see his arse ^___^), Magda Szubanski, Corinne Grant, Natalie Tran, etc etc.

How could you say no to this? HOWWW?

It's about this housewife (Elspeth Dickens) whose husband (played by the wonderful Ronan Keating) is always on boat trips. So he gives his wife a webcam.
And she sets up the webcam in front of the kitchen sink, and puts on performances in front of it and then loads them on the interwebz.

Anyway, it becomes a hit on le web, and so many people are tuned in to it, including the "mother's group" (consisting of Natalie Tran and Corinne Grant) who were mean to Elspeth and said that Elspeth wasn't very good at controlling her toddlers. Which was very cruel. Those toddlers were crazy insane, making a huge fuss in the supermarket and throwing tantrums. :/

And then, Magda Szubanski is looking for a goddess type woman, to promote the company's product or something. (No idea what the product was, or what the company were selling, this was a 'wtf' of the movie because we had no idea where they were making all their moniez and junk).
Magda was so good! I loved her character, she really used the marketing technique "treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" in her lines (well, she didn't say that line, but it's what she implied), yet still stuffed her face with foods when she got the chance. :)

Anyway, Magda's assistant, Ralph (who was mad cool), found the video of Elspeth dancing at her kitchen sink, and showed it to Magda. And so Elspeth had to move away from Tassie, to go to Sydney.
(This meant getting a nanny for her toddlers, and hiding the webcam to watch over the nanny)

Oh and Rory! He was a guy busking on the street in Sydney. He was such a creep, and tried to get in Elspeth's pants. It was so funny though. I wish someone would follow me down the street, playing a song for me and trying to kiss me. Le sigh.

Anyway, it was a really good movie. Hope I haven't spoiled it too much, lol.
Totally recommend it.
Although, I don't know when it comes out in cinemas, I presume it will be later this year. You all should look out for it. It's called "Goddess". Laura Michelle Kelly is Elspeth. Her name is Laura. So she must be good. :P

And yeah.

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