Monday, January 30, 2012


Good news: Henri is not dead.
Bad news: He's probably held hostage and John has to go save him.

lol, Sam and John are driving to Athens in Sam's dad's truck. :P
And neither of them has their licence or knows how to drive.
Don't worry, John, driving isn't that difficult. I've had three lessons, and I haven't crashed* the car once!

And John broke Sarah/Quinn's camera. On Thanksgiving. Luckily Black Friday is the day after, so Sarah/Quinn can get a new camera cheaply. Go figure!

*Well, I've only driven in areas where there are no cars- like the factory area near Woop Woop. And one time, I had my blinker on to turn left, and I forgot to brake so I drove right past the street. Oopsies. And then another time I put my foot on the brake because there was a stop sign. And I still haven't got it through my thick head that when you hold down the brake, you have to keep holding it down to stay stationary. I play too many video games, where you hit the brakes once and you're stopped. Damn cars and their rocket science. Jay-sus. Also, I was only driving at 30 k's for most of the lesson. My dad got me to drive at 50 k's once, and I almost shat myself. :/

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