Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I wrote a 50,000 word story in the lovely month of November.
Yes, I know, I had exams. But it's called "copying and pasting song lyrics" okay. That's what I do. It's called skill. I has it.

So, this year, my story was about Alex Fasolo.
And young Alex was playing in his 2nd year at Collingwood, with his best friend Jye Bolton.
Then, Alex meets a lovely girl named Laura (who may or may not have been me- I am like SMeyer, I have to write myself into the story otherwise I'd be a nobody).
Alex and Laura fall in love pretty quick, and realise that they are soul mates.

Plus other shit happens (I have to pad out the story with irrelevant things), but whatever.


(I also watched American Horror Story last night. It was pretty cool, except the parents are a little crazy. I think it's the house. The house is turning them nuts. But I love Hayden, okay. And Violet is very calm, I'm glad the house hasn't turned her insane. Oh and Tate is awesome. I just fall more and more in love with him as the episodes go by. Even though he's a psycho. It was pretty cool when the psycho-mother said that Tate was her son. I was like, "Aw, yay, my two favourite characters are siblings!" Even though one of them is dead. I miss Adelaide. Not as much as I miss Zane or Finnick or Prim, but still.)

(Glee is on today too. Channel 10 are just showing repeats each week from now till February. Tonight is the Regionals episode, where Beth is born. It's pretty cool. And they sing Journey. I wish Darren made an appearance, because he was the initial inspiration for the Journey numbers. I mean, if Finn hadn't seen him, Finn would never have chosen Don't Stop Believin' and then Mr Schue would never have chosen to do it at Regionals.)

(The new Glee episode is on in America. I might download it, if I can be bothered. Which I probably can't. I want to download Episode 8 and 9, because they actually feature my gorgeous Sammy Evans. Episode 7 has no interest for me. Santana and Rachel kissing girls? No thanks. Why don't they make out with each other, now THAT would be interesting. Oh there I go, suggesting ideas for Glee again. You better thank me for this, Ryan Murphy!!!)


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