Saturday, March 12, 2011

Haven't blogged in ages, sorry. But I want the pillows in the picture above. Oh my god.

It's Fabrevans. A.k.a. Sam and Quinn, from Glee. They broke up, because Quinn cheated on Sam, and I was like, "NOOOOO!" because these two were so good together.


Last Monday, they had the Glee episode where they all get drunk and sing Tik Tok and start vomiting at the school assembly. Fun times.
But it was a really good episode. Like, REALLY.
Rachel tested her song-writing career, and wrote a song about a headband. It was a pretty emotional song, even if it was sung about a headband. :P

Next Monday (i.e. TOMORROW), it's the Gwyneth Paltrow episode.
Won't spoil it, but someone gets preggerz, Santana confesses her love to Brittany through brilliant acting skillz, and Gwyneth Paltrow tells the Glee Club that cucumbers give you AIDS. Whut.

Oh and Emma and Carl are on the show too. :P
And Emma, despite being married, gets a little jealous of Will dating Gwyneth. Right.

All in all, it shall be a good episiode. :D
Then, the following week, DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN~. A character on Glee will DIE after the performance at Regionals. Yes, that's right, a death. What the...?

My theories on who will die (these aren't spoilers, okay, just my view):
  • Sam. I've blagged about Hunger Games, right? Well, the film of Hunger Games comes out next year, and Chord Overstreet (who plays Sam on Glee) would make a fantastic Peeta. One problem: Chord has Glee commitments to attend. One solution: Kill him off the show. (I really hope this doesn't happen, though. I love Sam, he's so gorgeous, ahhhh.)
  • A singer from Aural Intensity. Sue, in an evil plot, fires one of them out of a cannon. They die.
  • Someone related to Kendra (Terri, maybe?). So that Kendra can attend the funeral and we can hear one of her witty quotes again. Such as: "Oh Terri, you worry too much. Our mum smoke and drank when she was pregnant with us, and we turned out totally normal", or "What's that smell" (soap) "What are you, exorcists or something?", or "you got the beauty, but I got the brains and the beauty". :P
  • Someone related to Sandy Ryerson (the ex-Glee Club teacher). Seriously, he needs to come back, I liked him! "Did someone change the name of this shop to Losers n' Things? Did everyone die so they had to hire you two morons? And where is my muzak? How can I shop without my Kenny G?" Hahaha.
  • The bird, Pavorotti. (I still think that bird should be called Fly-za Minnelli but oh well.)
  • Carl Howell. Oh, come on, they NEED to continue the Will/Emma relationship. Right now, it's all like, "So, um, how's life?" "Great. Me and Carl are looking for a house and Carl totally loves me and I'm so happy and oh my god!" *Will pukes in a bucket*
  • The unborn baby. Like, seriously, as if they will go through the whole pregnancy storyline again. Artie, just push her down the stairs, k? /horrible person.
  • It would be cool if Glee made a WHO DUNNIT? episode where someone is a murderer and they have to find out who.... oh, there I go again, suggesting ideas for Ryan Murphy. You better thank me for this!!!
And yeah.
That's all I've got. Will I be correct? WAIT AND SEEEEEEE... *ominous music*

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