Friday, March 12, 2010


My blog has changed around. Slightly.
Issy left on SYTYCDA. Aw. :(.
I was all excited because Renee and Phillipe were in the bottom 3 and I hate them so much. Boring people, ugh.
But unfortunately, Matt and Jessie H ended up in the bottom 3 too (I have no idea why, lolwhut).

But I still can't believe the judges wanted Renee over Issy. Uh, yeah, this proves my point of Mary Murphy dropping some of her drugs under the desk. Bonnie and Jason are livin' out the 70's again. :/.

Anyhoo, I should be happy that Don left! Yay, finally. :P.

I didn't watch Sleuth 101 (ugh, fail much).
Someone update me, plz. (Unless, of course, you have better things to do, whatever).

ANYWAYYY, I received a few questions the other day. So, here's a little bit of Q and A:

Q: What are you planning to do after uni?
A: Be a hobo.
Nah, just kidding, lol. Hopefully I become a mad scientist who likes blowing up labs and making crazy experiments. ;). And me and my bf, Dale Thomas, will get married and have 7 children.

Q: Is uni hard?
A: Yes.
I don't mean to scare any of you (well, I could try, lol) but it is waaaay different from school.
For starters, I don't have my usual group of friends to hang around with. And some of my friends are at the same uni as me, but their timetable =/= my timetable.
And the lecturers/professors don't stop and wait for you to write down notes and stuff. And you can't just put your hand up and be like, "YO, MR PROFESSOR, COULD YOU SLOW DOWN A BIT?" or "I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT BIT" because there are 200 people in the lecture and they don't want to slow down - all the other students just want to be out of there ASAP.

And just say a lecture goes from 9am till 10am, the lecture only really goes from 9:05 till 9:55 (so that people coming from other lectures will get there in time). And everyone has their eye on the clock because as soon as the clock hits 9:55, EVERYONE packs up and there's a big rustling of papers, even if the lecturer is still talking. And I feel sorry for the lecturer, because they are trying to tell us something yet people are being all rude and stuff. :(.

Anyway, I'll get used to it. :D.

But there are some fun/awesome things at uni. Like, once a Sportsgirl van came and gave out free soft-serve ice-creams. Yum.
And once these people (ironically, it was a Christian Club) were giving out free books on evolution and species and stuff. lol.

And yeah.
Q and A is over.
If you would like to resume Q and A, feel free to ask as many questions as you like.
Say hi to your mum for me. ;).
Oh and I found this awesome blog. It was amazing. ^______^

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