Monday, February 2, 2009


I pledged against war 'cause Aidan started a pledge thingy. Anyhoo, click on the link to find out more. kk.
I shall write a ~crappy~ poem/limerick on war and the evilness of it.

There once was a kid called Mitch
His parents were popular and rich
Mitch was happy
Lived in Sydney
And for lunch, he ate a sandwich.

One day, Mitch's father didn't come home
"Where's Daddy?" Mitch cried, "Is he in Rome?"
Mitch's mum said
"Shot in the head."
And Mitch's body just went into "Shock Syndrome".

When Mitch went to school
Everyone was so cruel
"Your dad died in war!"
It was so bazaar
At school, Mitch used to be so cool.

Mitch went home and cried
His mum just stood beside
"Not fair!"
he said with a tear
"I'm really sorry," Mitch's mum replied.

Mitch was only 8 years old
And his life was totally on hold
He didn't understand
Did his dad go to Thailand?
Or was he in a place covered in gold?

Whenever a loved one goes to war
Will they come back driving their Pulsar?
When will they come back?
And what will they lack?
An arm, a leg, injured, wounded, a scar?


Ah. That was baaaaaad. I made it up. Mitch = a cool name that can rhyme with a lot of words.
In conclusion, don't start a war. They are horrible and basically, solving nothing. It is basically just, "OMG, you insulted my bffl - I'm going to get revengee~! -pulls out gun-"

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