Saturday, January 8, 2011


I'm up to the second book of the Hunger Games trilogy.

It's so good.
I'll try not to release any spoilers (because you all should go read it yourselves).

Anyway, it's about a girl, Katniss, who gets picked for this reality TV show, which is very much like Survivor but the aim of the game is to kill the other contestants and be the last one standing at the end.
(So, it isn't as civilised as Survivor. There are alliances in Hunger Games, but they might not work considering there's only one contestant alive at the end.)

It's set in the future, with a little bit of sci-fi.
In a world like the one in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
And the hierachy is like medieval times, I think.
There's the Capitol at the top, which is the richest district where they have genetic enhancements and heaps of food.
Then District 1, then District 2, then District 3, etc etc. Right down to District 12, where lots of people are poor and have no food and where Katniss lives. The only job for the poorer people in District 12 is the coal mines, which is dangerous and dirty.

The government is very controlling (and corrupt?).
And they hate people who rebel. They hate uprisings.
The people that are caught trying to rebel are classed as criminals and they have their tongues cut off (so that they can't speak out against the government) and are servants to the rich people who live in the Capitol.

Anyhoo, it's a good read. :D.
I really recommend it.
If you liked Tomorrow When The War Began, it's a bit like that. Sort of. Obviously, Ellie lives in Australia and not a world like Katniss does.

But Ellie and Katniss are very similar people.
They both are strong-willed and determined, and can survive on their own, using whatever is around them and improvising.
They both have a best friend (who is a boy) who they are not in love with.
(Katniss is not really in love with Gale. I haven't worked it out yet, but I reckon Katniss is only interested in being his best friend.)
etc etc.

You could also say that Katniss and Scarlett (from Gone With The Wind) are similar people. Like, when Scarlett came back to Tara and had to hunt and gather food for everyone. That's what Katniss does.
And the boys situation is the same. Katniss doesn't really know which boy she loves, and by the time Scarlett worked out who she loved and cared for, Rhett Butler had gone. :P

Anyway, I'm done reviewing Hunger Games. Go read it, you evil stalkers. Hahaha.


lucy said...

I've heard that the series is really good, and now that you attest to that, I want to read it too! It sounds incredibly exciting, and I'm up for that at the moment.

And I lol'd when you wrote: "They both have a best friend (who is a boy) who they are not in love with." The last part cracked me up :D

Laura said...

Yes, it IS a good series! :D.
