Saturday, December 5, 2009


I received a few more questions from some anonymous person/people/zombies/ninjas/aliens/your dog. :D.

Are we human, or are we dancers?
Well, I think human. Because some people (like me) cannot dance. Hence, some people (like me) cannot be dancers.
So, to answer The Killers' question: WE ARE HUMAN. :).

What would you do if i sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Umm, idk. I probably wouldn't walk out on you.
Because I always sing out of tune so if it were me doing the singing, I wouldn't want anyone walking out on me.
Hence, I would stay seated and listen to you sing out of tune. kk.

Hey! I love your Dale Thomas comics.
Yes, someone actually sent this to me. Whether they were lying or not, I have no idea.
But the important thing is that: SOMEONE LOVES MY DALE THOMAS COMICS! :D.
To whoever wrote this awesome sentence: YOU ARE AWESOME. KEEP UP THE AWESOMENESS. SINCERELY, LAURA. :D.

And would anyone else like to write a question or tell me how much they like the Dale Thomas comics? Because you can.


lucy said...

ha ha ha ha! you know, now i want to ask a question :)

Laura said...