Monday, November 2, 2009


Time to answer some of your questions.
I received 7 and I expect more, you lazy people. CLICK HERE TO FULFIL MY WISHES. :D

If you were given a million dollars by Channel 9 (or 10 or 7 or whatever) to make a reality TV show, what would it be called and what would the show entail?
(i.e. An Australian Idol/Survivor mash-up? Or a bit more Next Top Model/Hole In The Wall?)

Hm, idk. I'd probably do a Masterchef/Survivor mash-up where the people have to survive in the outback or wherever and cook up some dish with whatever they can get and then, Matt The Cravat, George and Gary have to eat and judge the food. :D.

Favorite color?
Pink or purple. I like them both and it's difficult to choose. :)

What's your fave food?
Or just anything that's edible. idk.

Shouldn't you be studying for exams? Or are they over?
Of course I'm studying. And no, my exams are not over. They finish on the 12th November, yayyy! ^______^

Hi, this is Steph. You're awesome. Bye.
This is not a question but I'll answer it anyway.
Hi Steph, this is Laura. Thanks, I am awesome. Bye.
(NOTE TO READERS: You may submit questions that aren't really questions, I don't mind).

Edward or Jacob?
Hmmm... I choose Edward because he's a sparkly vampire and also because despite Jacob being an awesome werewolf, he's a little bit young for me. idk.

Do you have any pets? Or siblings? Or weird sibling/pet combinations as a result of your mother having a baby with a wolf? Is Jacob Black actually your brother?(Not to say your mother is zoosexual. Frankly, that's just wrong.)
I don't have any pets (except a pet rock that won't move... MOVE, YOU STUPID ROCK, JUST MOVEEEEEEEE!) and I has two (annoying) brothers. As for weird sibling/pet combinations, I don't think I have any. Actually, maybe I do. Let me just check outside....
And no, Jacob Black is not my brother but it would be awesome if he was. I'd have my own personal bodyguard so if Nelson or Kearney or someone stole my lunch money, Jacob could launch into a werewolf and eat the bullies. :D

And that is all the questions I can answer because they were the only questions submitted.


Steph Bowe said...

I think you got more questions than me.

My readers are lame.

And also I thought you finished school? Do you mean someone's going to steal your lunch money at university?

Maybe I should ask that on the form thingy...

Laura said...

Yeah, I got a lot of questions. I can't help it that I'm so popular. :D

I did finish school. I hope no one steals my lunch money at university. I'll need Jacob Black now.
Actually, at this rate, if I do go to university, I'll be eating lunch in the toilets on the basis that none of my friends will be there (as they'll probs go to a different uni, FAILLL).

And yeah.

sam_daisy said...

um i will in a sec

LOL thats a good question, shouldnt you be studying haha no i didnt write it.
LOL that question is piss funny HAHAS
haha pet combinations
um ill click ya link

Laura said...
