Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Just thought I'd put another picture of the ~sexy Talia~ on here. ^____^
I really want Talia to win. Have I told you all that? (Correct Answer: ALL THE TIME.)

So, it is holidays. YAY.
Well, it has been holidays for awhile now. Basically, this is my sixth day of holidays and it has been fabulous. Sleeping in, doing nothing, FUN. D:
But I feel like I need a hobby or something.
I mean, all I've doing these holidays is: wasting time on the internet (yes, I'm admitting Twitter, Facebook and Myspace is a waste of time) and homework.

So. I'll get to the point.
I need a hobby. (I would just get a job but then I have to do all the induction stuff and training and I have homework/studying/exams).
And I want a hobby/job because in November, when I finish my exams, I won't have homework/studying to do. I'll be wasting time on the internet which is NOT a good thing. Dale Thomas will need to get a restraining order. :(

SO, HERE'S THE PART WHERE YOU (yes, I meant you eating the bread) HELP ME.
Just suggest some ideas. Any ideas.
And don't just write "drawing" or "reading". Be specific.
E.g. Write a story about 40,000 words or something. Except you can't use that example. Go and think of your own.

So yeah.
Maybe my hobby should be ~private investigating~. That's what the guy did on the Simpsons. He had to find out info about Lisa. And Ralph was like, "Lisa's a girl at my school." And the Privete Investigator was like, "Um, yes. >_>"
I should ~investigate~ people. Like what Gracie is doing. Gracie would approve of that. Teddy would not. But Teddy is still awesomeee. He's like the twin brother I never had. ;)


Mrs Cullen said...

haha! i love the way you write.
my birthday is on the 29th april :)
those cakes looked yummy, eh?

Laura said...

Yeah. I feel like cake now. ;)

sam_daisy said...

Scrapbooking :D
well homework is a waste of time lol.
LOL teddy?

Laura said...

Yes, Teddy. My fictional twin. LOL.

Ooh, scrapbooking. I'll consider that. Thanks Sam.