Monday, November 3, 2008


DID YOU KNOW... that only one person watches Aus Idol and they are PAID to watch it (cos it's their job to blog about it..)

Hey everyone.
I don't have to do Biology anymore!
In VCE, that is.

LOL. I watched the Simpsons last night. ^_^
I also watched P!nk on Idol.
So, I sat there for about an hour basically watching a show that is more boring than watching grass grow.
But that's alright.
P!nk was fantastic. ^_^
She sang her new single, Sober. I had never heard that song before but it was excellent. LOL.
ALSO: On Idol, I didn't know much about the contestants but one of the contestant's mum rang up the show and told a totally embarrassing story. And the contestant was just sitting there squirming. And James was like, "We'll now go to an ad break. We shall be back with more embarrassing stories from contestants' mothers."
LOL. It was kinda funny.
Besides that, the whole show was BORING.
I didn't pay much attention so don't ask me who got eliminated. (Actually I do know that the Casey-Donovan-look-a-like was eliminated...)

Anyway, I entered the NaNoWriMo. I think I spelt that wrong. =|
Oh well.
Apparently you have to write a 175 page story to be a winner in the competition.
It is like 5000 words or something. Actually, I think I left out a zero.
Anyway, I have written (drum roll please) ... 147 WORDS.

Well, I have to write it by the end of November and it doesn't have to be a good story - it can be a pile of crap. It just has to be 175 pages or whatever.

I shall leave now.
Later, peeps.
P.S. Speaking of novels, Adam "Gilly" Gilchrist has written a book about himself.
P.P.S. Also, Dale Thomas is cool. KK.
P.P.P.S. Rebel Wilson wrote a book too! ^_^
There was an interview in the newspaper today with Rebel Wilson. Rebel said that she was a good student in school except she did start a lolly shop from her own locker. It was very profitable. X]
Her book is out on November 17th. I shall buy it.
ALSO: I liked Rebel Wilson on The Wedge. She stalked the Dylan guy. It reminded me of me stalking Dale Thomas. Except I only send him weird comments on his blog that he doesn't reply to. (Click on the link to read my random comments LOL)


J said...

NaNoWriMo sounded sparky
but i dont have the self-ciscipline for it, lol

Laura said...

I want to do it but I don't think I'll get to 50,000 words.
I'm only on 1000 or something.